You are assisting with a surgical procedure and you are accidently pricked with one of the sharps after it is used on the patient. What form needs to be filled out following this incident?
Medical Ethics, Legal, and Regulary Issues
Government And Institutional Rules And Regulations
The answer is C. When there is an incident when you or another is exposed to a bloodborne pathogen or punctured by "used" sharps, a written notice must be filed called an "exposure incident report." This is to verify that other steps must be taken in regards to possible exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
This is a regulation from OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) designed to protect the employee workforce from exposure of bloodborne pathogens or materials. By law, the employer should have this report filled out for a proper evaluation immediately after the incident occurs to protect the safety and health of their employee. It is also important to have a medical evaluation of the other party to determine any present illnesses which may need to be further assessed.
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